This amazing Polyphon, an early jukebox made in Germany in the late 19th century, still plays tunes on its metal discs of which the Museum has over 50 including “God Save The Queen”.
It has had an interesting life in and around Launceston and has recently been repaired so that it is once again coin-operated – ask a steward for an old penny to put in the slot.
The model is a “Mikado” the second largest of the Polyphon range.
Strictly Polyphon
“Strictly Polyphon” the new double CD of all 50 discs played on our working Polyphon now available for purchase!
It is on sale at Launceston Tourist Information Centre in the centre of town or from the Museum for £10.
It is also available by post for £12.20 (inc. post and packing). Simply send a cheque made payable to “Friends of Lawrence House Museum” and a clear note of your name and address to Cherry Warne, Lawrence House Museum, 9, Castle Street, Launceston PL15 8BA and she will be happy to send you a copy without delay.
We regret that, at the Museum, we can only take cash or cheque payments made payable to “Friends of Lawrence House Museum”