There is lots of exciting news to tell you about. Firstly, the pop-up museum has had the go-ahead from the Trustees. It will occupy one of the shops on the High Street. This is a real opportunity to showcase the museum and increase our visibility in a town centre location whilst we wait for the renovations to the fabric of the building to take place. Weather permitting we will be able to discuss the details at the volunteer’s meeting on the 17th of August.
Last weekend the museum billiard room was opened for the Charles Causley Festival both to show off our collection of Causley artefacts but also our very special Herbarium. Karen Howse ran a successful People’s Herbarium Project session from the museum on the Saturday. Karen took the participants on an exploration of the town’s flora and they produced some very beautiful sun prints.
Over the weekend we had over 60 people visit the museum and even some donations! In other good news we have been successful in securing funding. South West Museum Development has awarded the museum £5,000 towards redeveloping our website. The redevelopment will take place over the next few months. If you are interested in helping to create content for the webpages please get in touch.